FAT Service


We Provided You The Best

Industry Services

Get information

three days in advance

  • Confirm detailed order and product information
  • Prepare various test forms and test tools
  • Confirm with the factory to accompany the engineer and test environment

Determine the process

two days in advance

  • Determine the arrival time with customers and factories
  • Precautions for communicating with customers
  • Finally confirm the factory preparation status and our requirements
  • Briefly explain our testing process to the other parties

On-site inspection

one day in advance

  • Record the data we get at each step
  • Record the performance of the other parties during the inspection
  • Record the professionalism of problem solving
  • Propose solutions and determine the correction cycle

Inspection report

on the day of inspection + after improvements

  • Summing up the inspection situation to the customer in time
  • Regarding the rectification plan, discuss with the customer again
  • Confirm improvement methods and inspection time
  • Report issuance