Our 2021
Our 2021

2021, our first year, is also the third year of pandemics. Thankfully, we have survived such difficult circumstances and are doing well.

The fundamental reason we can continue to serve our clients going forward is our dedication to helping them sustain their operations. During the time when Pandemics was raging, the number of business activities across the market plummeted and our clients' business was greatly affected. Coupled with the screen problems that could not be resolved in a timely manner, it could be said that they were under double pressure and suffering.

What we can do is to help our customers solve their problems little by little. Three years, China's suppliers can not go out, customer service needs can not be met, many of the display are stacked in the customer warehouse can not be well taken care of, perhaps only minor damage, but can not be used in a very formal occasion, we just a little repair, will be able to make a lot of the display again with value, but also customers have been waiting for a long time service.

We can feel the huge market from the feedback of our customers and the trial orders from new customers. But in fact, GO LED SERVICE is definitely looking at markets beyond Europe, the display business covers the world, in other words, sales need to have service, our future service network, but also need to carry out more technical workers to our platform, but also allows customers to learn online and offline, so as to improve the technical level of the industry and product stability, greatly assist the industry This will greatly assist in the sustainability of the industry's activities and the security of each product provider.

In 2021, we served 14 countries in Europe, including Belgium, France, Netherlands, Germany, UK, Spain, Italy, etc. We have more than 50 customers with cooperation or trial orders. certain popularity. We believe that in 2022 we can do even better.

Our goal for 2022 is to serve 100 new customers, add 10 new regions, and partner with 10 industry customers. We hope that our partners will join hands with us to create the future!



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