Transportation cost will rise
Transportation cost will rise

As many of our customers who are familiar with Go Led Service or have experienced our on-site services,knowing that our transportation costs are generally very low if we drive to the site, because fuel is not too expensive in European countries and everyone is able to arrange car trips at very low prices.

Our main purpose is maintenance and we do not rely at all on the cost of travel to earn a profit, but the cost of our expenses, still need to get further consideration. For well-known reasons, the price of gas, fuel and commodities has soared throughout Europe, which has increased the company's costs significantly, even though we know that our customers are going through a very difficult time. However, we have decided to make a small adjustment to the cost of round trip travel to and from the site, which is not significant, but will effectively reduce losses and better serve our customers.

Any adjustment will challenge the customer to assess the viability of the project, but business is long term and requires mutual understanding, and we will keep up with the changing local conditions and return to our previous rates and levels when fuel prices and other costs come down.

Thank you for your understanding and support.



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